Thursday, March 5, 2020

Irvine GRE Tutor Practical Guide to the GRE Getting Started

Irvine GRE Tutor Practical Guide to the GRE Getting Started Tips from an Irvine GRE Tutor: Practical Guide to the GRE: Getting Started Tips from an Irvine GRE Tutor: Practical Guide to the GRE: Getting Started Most students who are planning to attend graduate school in the US will need to take the GRE. Students who are not planning to go to law, business, or medical school will want to focus their attention towards acing this exam. Some students consider it the graduate school version of SAT while others see it as entirely different. There are a few ways to increase a chance of success on the GRE that students and recent graduates can follow to make their lives a little bit easier. Students are encouraged to think about when they should take the exam and how they should study for it so they can take it once and move on its never too early to book your private Irvine GRE tutor. 1. When is the best time to take the GRE? If students know they are going to apply to graduate school within a couple of years of graduation, they might as well take the GRE as soon as they finish college. At this point, they are still in “student mode” and will be used to focusing their attention on studying and will remember their math and English facts. Once people forget how to solve math formulas and analyze a reading passage or write one themselves, they generally won’t be able to do as well on the exam unless they spend additional time prepping. However, students who have been out of school for awhile shouldnt fret. With the appropriate amount of review, applicants will be able to do well on the GRE. Either way, the GRE shouldnt be a barrier to academic or career success. 2. How should students and recent grads prep? Current students should only prep for the GRE if they are 100% sure they will be able to handle their current workload along with test prep or if they have no choice because they’re applying to grad school straight out of undergrad. If a student is taking the GRE within a year of graduation, they’ll only have to brush up on test prep and familiarize themselves with the exam. On the other hand, applicants who have been out of college for awhile may need to go back and brush up on their basic math, reading comprehension, and writing skills. Each student is different, and the situation depends on what they are currently doing for their career, so its a good idea to consult a test prep professional or former professor for advice (READ: 7 Tips for Studying While Traveling). 3. What happens if the first try isnt successful? If an applicant feels they didnt do well the first time, they’re allowed to take the test again. In fact, the administrators of the exam enable students to take the test as often as every 21 days. Students can also take the exam up to 5 times in any 12-month period. However, scores expire after five years. 4. What score does a student need to be accepted to graduate school? Required scores are entirely dependent on the graduate school program students apply to. Some universities require an excellent score on the GRE while others just ask students to take it as a formality. Its important for applicants to conduct independent research and determine what their specific scoring goals will be based on the graduate school they plan on applying to. 5. What does the GRE cover? The GRE has three sections that cover verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and analytical writing. For the most part, the verbal reasoning section encompasses the students ability to be able to give a passage a close reading, understand and analyze it, and answer questions. The quantitative reasoning section is primarily Algebra, geometry, and data analysis. The analytical writing section will test a students ability to write clearly and concisely in a manner that is easy to read while communicating the student’s ideas (READ: Study Tips from an Orange County Tutor). Additional information on the GRE Take your GRE prep seriously with the help of an Irvine private GRE tutor. Call us today for more information. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

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